Hello, my name is Gregory. When I was a young lad, I had to enter the health care world in an unexpected way. I developed a serious disease out of the blue that took doctors by surprise. I went through so many different testing procedures before my doctors could diagnose the rare disease. Everyone around me reeled as they tried to understand the purpose and process of the diagnostic tests. I hope to help others understand these important tests better through this website. Please come by often to learn all you need to know about medical diagnostics and working closely with health care professionals.
13 June 2017
Wet brain is brain damage that is caused by a lack of Vitamin B1, which is often found in cases of alcoholism. When this happens, memory is affected, which can especially damaging if it develops into permanent damage. Here's what you should know about this condition: There are More Symptoms Than Memory Damage: Other damages from wet brain include confusion, poor muscle coordination, and potentially the loss of mental activity, which can lead to a coma or even death.
8 June 2017
Having one glass of wine instead of two or avoiding that bag of potato chips after dinner won't just help you reach your weight loss goals. These types of eating habits can also help you deal with your rhinitis. Too many of the wrong foods in your diet will only exacerbate your symptoms and add to your level of discomfort. What to Eat: Soup Incorporate hot soup into your diet when your symptoms are at their worst.
2 June 2017
Are you concerned because your menstrual cycles have been unusually heavy lately? There are numerous things that can interfere with the flow of your menstrual cycle, such as going through menopause or getting stressed. It is also possible that you are suffering from a fibroid being in your uterus. Make an appointment with a gynecologist so he or she can perform an examination and find out if you have uterine fibroids.
29 May 2017
If you have a child that is delayed in speech, it is important that you quickly get them the help that they need. The earlier you address the problem and get the child on the right track, the less of an issue it will be for them for the rest of their life. Children can get speech therapy as young as toddler age. However, some parents wait until the child is much older to do so.
21 May 2017
If you are someone that is interested in taking hemp oil as a supplement, there is a good chance that you want to know more about the product. The last thing that you want to do is inadvertently break any laws. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself in order to make sure that you are able to get the hemp products that are best for you. 1. Do you need to take drug tests on a regular basis in order to keep your current job?